At last, for one case in far too many, justice has been served. The verdict was seen as a victory for the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, but a bittersweet one: An unarmed Black man with a family was still killed. President Biden and Vice President Harris called Floyd’s family and team of lawyers after the verdict was announced. “We’re all so relieved,” Biden said. “We’re gonna get a lot more done,” he promised. Harris said, “this is a day of justice in America…we are going to make sure [George Floyd’s] legacy is in tact.” Former President Barack Obama tweeted about the victory. “Today, a jury did the right thing. But true justice requires much more,” he wrote. Here are celebrity reactions to the Derek Chauvin verdict.
Celebrity reactions to the Derek Chauvin verdict
“A reminder that victory would be George Floyd being alive,” Amanda Gorman tweeted. “Every day Black Americans worry if they will be next is another day without justice.” Stacey Abrams tweeted, “The evidence of our eyes met at last by accountability in the eyes of justice. #DerekChauvinTrial.” “Thank you Jesus! I’m in tears. May your legacy live on forever #GeorgeFloyd,” Ciara tweeted. Bridgertonstar Nicola Coughlantweeted, “Thank God. #BlackLivesMatter.” Actor Denis O’Hare wrote, “Wow. Justice. How rare and how necessary. May this be the first step in protecting Black and Brown lives. #BlackLivesMatter #DerekChauvinTrial #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd.” “They should have read the verdict slower,” Akilah Hughes tweeted. “Read it over the course of nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds. Really let him feel it.” “Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Thank God,” Mandy Moore. “Thank you to the jurors for doing their job and helping to enact some semblance of justice in this case. Praying for George Floyd and his loved ones. #BlackLivesMatter.” “Praise. God,” Yvette Nicole Brown wrote. “And this isn’t even a celebration. #GeorgeFloyd was still murdered before our eyes. He’s gone. His family will never be made whole. And how many #DerekChauvin’s are there in the world & on the police force. There’s more than ONE bad apple. But this enough for this moment.” “Rest in JUSTICE George Floyd,” Katy Perry posted. Mayim Bialikwrote, “Justice. Rest in power, George Floyd. #BlackLivesMatter.” Ice-T tweeted a GIF of himself: Ava DuVernaytweeted the number of guilty counts: Comedian Paul F. Tompkins wrote, “It’s sad that this open-and-shut case ending with the most clear & obvious verdict should feel like a nail-biting victory.” “Guilty Guilty Guilty…No one wins,” Whoopi Goldbergtweeted. “George Floyd is still gone..and finally someone was responsible… Derek Chauvin.” Chris Evans wrote, “Justice. Sending love to George Floyd’s family and friends.” Next, see the anti-racist starter pack: 40 TV series, documentaries, movies, TED Talks, and books to add to your list.