In the first episode, co-hosted by her lifelong best friend, Brittany Ednie and titled “It’s a Double Entendre,” Mathers reflected on her strange childhood. One of the first things the duo discussed was their unique childhood experiences, particularly their time spent on Eminem’s tour bus.  The topic was brought up early in the episode, with Ednie saying to Mathers, “I feel like I vividly remember being in your kitchen, and you were like, ‘Do you want to come on the tour bus?’”  Ednie continues the story by explaining that she asked her friend what a tour bus was, and somebody standing nearby scolded Mathers, saying, “Hailie Jade, not everyone knows what a tour bus is.” Mathers remembers thinking that it was normal to have a tour bus, adding that she did not understand how unique an experience it was at the time.  As the conversation continued, Mathers explained that they still went to public school and had other “normal” experiences, which led her to think that traveling on a tour bus was another thing most kids did.  Mathers shared her perspective now, saying, “Thinking back as an adult, I’m like, ‘Wow, that’s actually so surreal.”  The best friends went on to discuss a few similar experiences, like a trip to Disney World that included a limo and a princess tea party. Ednie revealed that she asked her mother recently why she allowed her daughter to travel around with Mathers and her family.  Her mom said, “Well, because I knew you were safe, you were in good hands, and…you guys were experiencing things that I could never give to you.”  Episode 1 dropped on July 15 on Youtube.  Mathers, who was often referenced in her father’s songs, has lived her life mostly out of the public eye. However, with such a public outing, many are wondering if her father will one day grace the show with an appearance.  Next, Stop, Look and Listen—Here Are the 75 Best Music Videos of All Time