His decision to fly to Britain in the wake of his grandfather’s death on April 9 has raised the question: what will he wear at the funeral? Earlier today the Duke of Sussex released a statement honoring “my grandpa” that he concluded with the Latin phrase “Per Mare, Per Terram,” which translates to ‘By Sea, By Land’ and which is the motto of the Royal Marines. Prince Philip was Captain General of the Royal Marines until 2017, when Harry took over—a position he held until the Sussexes stepped back from their duties as senior royals and Queen Elizabeth II decided that Harry’s new station in life was incompatible with his military titles and honors. This means that Harry will not be wearing a military uniform on Saturday. It will be held in the same chapel in which he married Meghan Marklein 2018, but whereas three years ago he wore the frockcoat uniform of the Blues and Royals at his wedding, he will be wearing a suit to the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral rather than the uniform of Captain General of his grandfather’s former corps. His uncle Prince Andrew, who in 2019 also stepped back from royal duties but for very different reasons—he is currently wanted by the FBI for questioning regarding his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein—will also be in a suit. However, Harry’s brother Prince William, his father Prince Charlesand unclePrince Edward will all be wearing their military uniforms. Next up, where will Prince Philip be buried?